We are a collective of women with lived experience of street sex working in Hull, and allies. We authored and were involved in the publication of An Untold Story in 2017; a self-edited book of narratives, images and poetry which outlines the major themes of lived experience which the authors wanted to highlight.
We are concerned by the multiple and complex disadvantages still faced by many women who are involved in street sex work. Though we don’t have all the answers, we know how these are both created and made worse by all forms of marginalisation, the misapplication of legislation, and punitive government policies which impoverish those who struggle the most.
We exist to support the raising of voices of lived experience of those sex workers most at risk of these challenges and injustices. We endeavour to do this through promoting understanding via human stories and working together as an inclusive community to shift cultural perception and effect justice and systemic change. We aim to see greater equality for current street sex workers, women at risk and therefore for all of us.
“Organisations like yours give people a respectable pedestal to stand up on and say ‘you can’t say I’m a drama queen, I’m doing it the proper way'”
The film below illuminates some of what we’ve been doing in Hull over recent years to Autumn/Winter 2021. Made by Other Cinemas, commissioned by Humber Street Gallery in Hull as part of a wider exhibition called In Conversation as Collective Strategy .
Valued Not Exploited
We often work with outside groups on a voluntary basis, and recognise that financial remuneration isn’t always possible. But we will only work with others who want to prioritise valuing the time, dedication, insight and personal cost for people with lived experience when offering their expertise.